One day, not so long ago, the now founder of TrackTurns - droffelCoffee - was playing
the game Wargroove with some friends when he noticed that everyone
was always wondering whose turn it was. Because Wargroove is turn-based, the time between each
players' move can span from several minutes to several days.
Becasue of the long period of time or simply because there are many games being played at once, it
was hard to tell whose turn it was without constantly logging into the game and checking manually.
When droffelCoffee saw how many text messages he and his friends were having to send saying "your turn",
he realized there has to be a better way.
To his surprise, there weren't many apps or websites dedicated to this singular purpose and that's when he
decided that he would make his own and it would be the most simple and elegant tracker of them all. Thus
TrackTurns was born.
If you ever have any feedback, questions, or feature requests, please consider sending me a note. Thank
you for visiting TrackTurns and please share it with your friends. I hope they enjoy it as much as mine do!
Also, please consider making a small donation if you find TrackTurns useful!
Buy me a coffee.